Jetboil Flash Personal Cooking System – Camo


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SKU: 31959-JFLCAMO-AU Category: Tags: , , , , , ,


Boiling is just the beginning with the excellent range of Jetboil gear! You rise before it shines and never fears a headlamp-lit path. Hikes aren't just reserved for sunny weekends and you're not travelling because of wanderlust. No, for Jetheads, adventure is so much more. Aching legs and sore feet be damned, you're on a mission! A mission to trek farther, climb higher, surf longer and dig deeper. After a weary, protein bar-filled day on the trail, Jetboil knows how good a sunset dinner tastes. Jetboil also believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. That's why Jetboil obsessively engineer and meticulous design their products to boil faster, endure more and give you the ultimate backcountry cooking versatility. So whether you're cheffing up to a full spread using the Jetboil skillet, or rapidly boiling water for morning joe, trust the Jetboil stoves that are field-tested and approved by Jetheads everywhere! Simple. Reliable. Foolproof. Unregulated stoves are ideal for rapidly boiling water in moderate climatic conditions – in as little as 100 seconds with this year's Flash! Choose an unregulated stove for making coffee, quickly heating soups or boiling water for pasta, dried gains or prepackaged camp meals. The Jetboil Flash – Camo adds more enjoyment to your favourite outdoor adventure. Like all of Jetboil's innovative systems, Flash is an all-in-one design, combining burner and cooking vessel in one compact unit. Everything you need is stacked and stored inside the 1.0-litre cooking cup. The system lights with the click of a button and within two minutes provides two cups of boiling water for cocoa, coffee, instant soup or a gourmet freeze-dried meal. The newly designed burner secures the igniter, protecting it from bumps along the road. The Jetboil Flash is designed to be one of the safest cooking solutions out there. The cooking cup clips onto the burner, preventing accidental spills, and the fuel canister tripod ensures overall stability. The insulating cozy has a colour-changing heat indicator that signals when contents are hot. NOTE: The gas canister is not included.