Fellr Double Alcoholic Soda Lemon Squash 330ml – Case (24) – Cocktail Mixes by Boozebud


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SKU: 88387-SHOPIFY-AU-8585997123867-46695630668059 Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


Introducing Fellr Double, a beverage crafted for those vibrant nights filled with effervescence and memorable experiences.
Our product is designed for individuals who embrace life to the fullest and derive joy from every moment.
This Lemon Squash Alcoholic Soda boasts a 6.5% alcohol content and is entirely natural, gluten-free, vegan-friendly, and contains a mere 0.2g of sugar.
It is the same beloved Fellr beverage, elevated to cater to the unique lifestyle of our esteemed consumers.

Fellr originated from the serene coastal landscapes of Australia, where inhabitants possess an insatiable thirst for life.
They measure their existence through the connections they forge and relentlessly pursue moments of pure exhilaration.
We recognized the significance of this sentiment and endeavored to capture it within our product.
Size: Case (24)